sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012

Remove not the ancient landmarks. DEUTERONÔMIO.19, 14 - Proverbs. 22.28

It is important to know that we are bearers of free will, but we have rules to follow, we respect and conserve, to be entered in the supreme will of God, as the milestones that were established in the beginning by the Creator, as divisions between good and evil, the clean and unclean, holy and dirty, and we must never remove them. In the case of rural land, urban or even the word March, it means a boundary between land and the other, may be a fence, stakes, stones or any other mark that identifies how the demarcation of boundaries, from the record in writing of the geographically because the ground; funds, front and side, duly registered at the registry office properties. In our lives, we also have limits to be respected as our rights go to where all the others, this respectability has to be followed, from generation to generation. In the spiritual life, we also have these rules marked as landmarks, we can not change, because the plan of salvation established by God to humanity, He dug for us to use landmarks such as flags, telling us, principles and values ​​of ethnic, spiritual, moral , which must not remove, ever, because without them will be like a rudderless ship adrift. John the Evangelist warns: So what we heard from the beginning abide in you. If you stay in what you have heard, also will remain in the Son and the Father in John 2.24. Today we live in a world of renovations, and up to congratulate you for renewing many initiatives that have some, but mostly caus were true, and disasters that do not have more ways to watercraft block, we have as an example, the children already in the adolescent period, they want send the parents, who is the error? Surely the parents themselves, who moved the milestones set by their ancestors, the issue of respect, and consideration is now difficult to solve the problem, nobody can stop. In the spiritual part is also the same place, the marks placed by God as the basis of fixing our behavior and experience, serving God as He wishes, the test of time are being removed, as discussed below.

First in March; love: God, from eternity to eternity, is, and always will love itself, let's see what the Apostle John described in his first epistle chapter 4 verses 7 and 8: Beloved, let us love one another because love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He that loveth not knoweth not God, because God is love. Paul also tells us: Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three: but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13.13. Love is one of the oldest landmarks, which we are unable to establish dates, this falls short of human desires, because God is eternal, and He is love, love this, incomparable to have a tiny sense of God's love , mentioned, for example, the name of the cruel and bloodthirsty Nazi Adolf Hitler, who had no pity to kill six million Jews, and God never loved anyone else, even as King David, which was after God's heart, more than Hitler himself, he loves us equally. However, as an evangelical I am, since 1962, and I have been seeing, that March is increasingly being removed, for much of the evangelical leaders who care more of their daily business, oblivious to the more important with the faithful, who is love, Jesus gave a wonderful example of love, when traveling by boat across the Sea of ​​Galilee, about 13 km to Gadara, to expel the demons from a man who lived naked in the tombs, Mark 5:1-20. The religious of the time spent by far, even without giving a value to the poor sufferer, living in pure filth, dominated by demons, and Jesus was to restore it, and become a citizen worthy of his family and society. One day I attended an Evangelical Worship in a particular church, soon entered a drunk, and sat well back from time to time, he began to cry, and talk alone, the pastor rose from the pulpit, and it was there, took by the hand and pulled the man from inside the church, I was saddened by that action, and I thought surely Jesus is weeping in sorrow for this rude action, because this is not what He taught, and still thought, thank God that this Pastor is not the owner of the sky. According to March, communion: Looking for the early church, we see an example to be followed, they were unanimous in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42. And as a result, God worked wonderfully in the midst of his people. To have fellowship you must first learn to be united, as expressed by the Psalmist in Psalm 133. Third in March; value for the elderly: today our elderly are so neglected, abandoned, and decriminalized, it took the federal government, creating a law to support the elderly, it is the National Policy of Older Persons by Law No. 8842, 4 January 1994, did not need any of this, because God has established standards for protection of their elders, to be followed, he spoke to the tribe of Levi said: In view of gray hairs (white hair) you shall arise, and the face of Honor the old man, and thou shalt fear thy God. I am the Lord. Leviticus 19.32.

 This framework is being removed until the ceio Gospel, our seniors only have the right to contribute, and pray, that when prayer is collective, we must learn one thing, God does not put anyone in his work, all have their place, and also its value can be useful, otherwise the result is not good, they end up becoming sad and depressed, until their families lean elderly in nursing homes, to get rid of them probably think they will never get old too. Room in March; sex: Sex was instituted by God before the fall of man, both feel pleasure, (couple, man and woman) and God be glorified, as expressed by Paul; So whether you eat or drink, or else ye anything, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10.31. But today is being distorted and trivialized out of the divine standard, is being explored as merchandise on the shelves of supermarkets, now deal in Congress, against a bill to formalize the profession prostitutes. Fifth March, The Faith This milestone is the foundation of our spiritual lives here on earth, can never go back, as it is written, The just shall live by faith: And if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him, Hebrews 10 38. To please God, you must have faith, as Hebrews 11.6. It is something essential, without which we could not survive spiritually, and increasingly, we must ask God to increase our faith, if we faint of faith, our journey into the New Jerusalem in Heaven, become useless. March sixth; Biblical Doctrines. Salvation: Never this March, can be changed, since salvation anywhere in the world, it is only through Jesus, it is useless to preach salvation by someone else, that will never materialize, because the only mediator between God and men is Jesus Christ alone. 1 Timothy 2.5, and also, is there salvation in any other, because under heaven there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Acts 4.12.

Baptism in water is another doctrine, based on what Jesus himself taught saying: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son, and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19. As taught by the holy scriptures, the exact form of water baptism is by immersion, as a form of burial, burying the old man, old nature, as the letter of Paul to the Romans 6.4. Jesus would never enter the Jordan River to be baptized by John, with a simple leafy water thrown on his head, in this case, need not go to the river then. It is also wrong to baptize infants, since children who do not have to repent, as Peter said in Acts 2.38. And as is borne out, Jesus was baptized with 30 years of age. Supper is also a doctrine clearly and objectively, that the Apostle Paul taught that he had received from Jesus himself, and having given thanks, broke it and said, Take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you: do this in remembrance of me. I Corinthians 11.24. It is the greatest symbol of Jesus' death, and should take only those who are in communion with the Lord, otherwise serves to Own condemnation. I Corinthians 11.27. There are many other biblical doctrines, which should continue in its ancient landmarks, as the basis of our faith, and communion with God. Conclusion: If we remove the landmark called love, we find hatred, if we remove the communion, we find discord, if we remove the values ​​for the elderly, we are ignoring them, by removing sex as it was instituted by God, we find the vulgarity and filth sex, if you remove the faith, be faced with doubt, or unbelief, if we remove the doctrines of the Bible, we find heresies and idolatries. In the end, we obey the word of God as it is within the limits set by the Lord, as He Himself warns us saying: Cursed be he that remove his neighbor's landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen Deuteronomy 27.17. EROTIDES FRANCISCO LIMA.

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