terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012


Verbal communication is spoken as old as the existence of man, starting there in the Garden of Eden when God performed the work of creation, making the man as His image and likeness. Genesis 1.26, simultaneously, God opened a channel of communication between him and the man himself, today, we continue to use this method of communicating with God, but also among us humans. According to a report from U.S. magazine Science, was made a test with several volunteers, a total of 396 people, including 210 women and 186 men, with a tape recorder running for several days, and it was announced that, women spoke on average 16,215 words per day, and men 15,669 words, then asked how many words were addressed to God? In the text above, the Apostle Paul are recommended to young Timothy, who remembers making Deprecations, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, because this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. I Timothy 2:1-3. Are some among the many channels through which we can talk to God, always in the name of your son Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and men. I Timothy 2.5.
Deprecation: is insistent prayer on behalf of someone repeatedly insisted when our requests to God, for He comes to the aid of someone, or in the case of government, that the Almighty instruct them to lead their people, according his blessed will. Prayer consists in bringing the person to God through words or thoughts in private or in public. Includes confession. (Psalm 51), worship (Psalm 95.6-9, Revelation 11:17), Communion (salm 103.1-8), personal Petition (II Corinthians 12:8). Intercession: When we put ourselves in the place of someone else, we ask God for it, I mean, before God feel the same problems that the person is feeling or going through. Thanksgiving: Confession of blessings, being a variant of the peace offering, this offering expresses gratitude to God for deliverance from afflictions, to cure diseases, to respond to prayer or some other blessing received, both from himself, as others ( Levítico7. 12th). Friend, now that you know that there are several access channels for dialogue with your God, do not be oblivious, use freely, is your right, no one can deprive you of it, not only in the use of afflictions oras ask for aid, talk with him in happy times, thank Him for all you have achieved, and what has also, someone might say, but God knows what I need, my need, all I got was that he gave me, but it's not that way, God wants to hear from his mouth, tell Him your story, you can repeat as many times as you want, because He will never get bored, now what can not elevate God is vain repetitions, as Jesus himself taught. Matthew 6.7. I mean, we can not speak to what
God has no interest to him, such trivial things ithout sums.

That our prayers are not selfish, just reminding us, or what is around us, we must remember the other, because when uttering blessings to someone, or when we ask God to bless someone, or solving the problems of others , the first to reach the benefit us, the blessing comes to us first and then the other, as also utter a curse Would anyone, the first to receive the very curse us. Given the above, we see that in our hands is the curse and blessing, but only that we will choose which of these two devices will use. Deuteronomy 11.26. God is ready to hear us, at any time of day or night, weekdays or holiday is close to us, only cry out, either, in afflictions, in distress, in pain, in trouble, in trouble, in persecutions, in discouragements, in the heat, cold, storms, in adversity, in order for all the bitter moments of life, but also thank the pleasant moments, the victories, accomplishments, joys, pleasures, health, grace, comfort, friends, enemies , the good and the bad, for this is God's will, and that our prayers are accepted by Him, as Paul wrote to Timothy: I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath nor strife. I Timothy 2.8. We give thanks to the Creator, because He is a jealous God. For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you, lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth. Deuteronomy 6.15. Not only that, but it is also a God who never sleeps nor slumbers and is on standby, on call, without switching on duty, aware every moment of our lives. Behold neither slumber nor sleep keeps Israel. Psalm 121.4. So how nice talk with our parents, or when our children talk to us, because even nicer is when we talk to God, He feels pleasurable because we remembering the eternal and sovereign Father, do it because you will meet with affection, because he is love. I John 4.8. In the end, I conclude wishing you the apostolic blessing in your life, as Paul says: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen 2 Corinthians 13.14. EROTIDES FRANCISCO DE LIMA.

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