terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

HAPPY 2014.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God . Psalms 20:7 .
 Pass the seconds , minutes , hours , days , weeks , months and years , but our Lord continues perpetually forever, so we should never give up on this God who is sovereign , our God who made heaven and earth, the Psalmist expresses their joy in saying that some trust in chariots and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord . We are nearing the end of another year , 2013 is over , however , God remains the same , to heal , to bless , and to save your agraciarmos Beatitudes , I know that there were many fights this year that is ending , but God never let us go in , sometimes we think about winning, and the opposite happened , we lost , but never was , nor will we give up reasons , but proceed onward, because until now the Lord has helped us ; want to thank my Pastor , Glaudiston who have supported us , to my family , as my wife , father, children , and all my friends and readers of my blog brothers , who in one way or another helped me during the year 2013 , there are few, I heart wanted to thank one by one , including describing their names , but this will be impossible , because around the world there are many who read the messages that God gives me , and the same are posted by me on the blog , I should make mention of countries in which they live readers of our posts to date , making mention of the country , residents will be thanking you all the same .

      I thank the readers of my beloved Brazil , which stands first in the readings , thank you my dear and God bless you in the Secondly comes the United States of America , assiduous readers of my posts , God bless you , then Russia , God bless you , Germany , is also present , God bless you , Portugal , God bless you , Angola , God bless you , United Kingdom , God bless you , China , God bless you , Netherlands , God bless you , Ukraine, God bless you , Malaysia, God bless you , Canada , God bless you , Switzerland , God bless you , Paraguay , God bless you , Japan , God bless you , Italy , God bless India , God bless you . It's the least I can do , besides my prayers for all who have accompanied us through his readings , everyone wanted to know , and I repeat , will not be possible, but I serve a God who knows all of you, and this is the important thing , and I asked Him to bless all the readers , as well as your countries where they live, that 2014 is full of blessings , and that love , peace and mercy of the Eternal , rest upon each of you do not look for those who trust in chariots and horses , continue to trust in God who knows everything and can do anything, who never stopped loving us , I here transcribe the words of the Apostle Paul , wishing the contents thereof to all as well as the text says : Therefore, my dear brothers , stand firm and steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord , knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord . I Corinthians 15:58 . In order : The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , the love of God , and the communion of the Holy Spirit rest upon each of you . Amen EROTIDES FRANCISCO DE LIMA .

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